Sabtu, 24 November 2012

7 Masalah Terbesar Windows 7 WIndows 7 dirilis, sudah dikeluarkan beberapa versi, seperti versi beta dan RC, hingga akhirnya siap dijual ke pasar. Tetapi Windows 7 ternyata masih menyisihkan masalah walaupun sudah melangkah dalam beberapa tahapan. Sekitar 31% masalah muncul ketika pertama Windows 7 pertama kali mulai di Install.

1.Problems with installation: 31 percent

2.Missing applets or components: 26 percent

3.Aero theme is not running: 14 percent

4.DVD drive not found (this happens despite the drive being visible in the BIOS and the standard driver is working): 8 percent

5.Hidden extensions (Windows Explorer's default setting in all the versions of Windows is to hide file extensions, as well as system files and folders): 6 percent

6.Too many minidumps (By default Windows 7 keeps the last 50; minidumps are the memory images saved on the system when your PC crashes): 6 percent

7.Aero snap problems (Windows 7 has a handy new ability to move and resize windows, all in one movement, but sometimes it does not work as expected and can become annoying): 3 percent

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